
Twenty seven years ago I created my first Visionboard. I was living in Chicago, beginning to feel burnt out in my job, and tired of city living. I created a Visionboard on a map of Washington, little did I know at the the time that I put a picture of myself right on top of Whidbey Island. The board was covered with images of all that i wanted to manifest in my life. Six months later as I sat in my new rental house on Whidbey Island I held up the collage and was amazed to see that my face was indeed placed on top of the island on the map. Not only that I was sitting on the deck looking at a lake that was very similar to the one on the collage!

You are invited to join me in a day of visioning your life. We will use several processes to get clear about what you might want to manifest in your life and then spend the afternoon creating a Visionboard. You can choose to vision your whole life or use it as an opportunity to focus on your business, relationship, wellness, a life transition or move you would like to make.

It is truly magical!

Prepare for the Journey

You are invited to collect some magazines and images that you may want to put on your Visionboard. Perhaps spend some time in nature reflecting on what is important to you right now

You may wish to bring an object that represents your word for the collective altar.

Bring your journal, a snack, a water bottle and appropriate gear for the weather. (we will be outside for about 15-20 minutes) was


RATES and registration

Fee: $80
10 participants.

Review full booking terms & conditions.


Workshop fee is non-refundable 48 hours prior to the program but may be used toward a different program. Please cancel at least one week prior to a workshop