A Conversation with Death
Reflecting on death in order to live more fully
January 11, 2025
9 AM TO 11 Am PT
Online via zoom
“Analysis of death is not for the sake of becoming fearful but to appreciate this precious lifetime.”
his holiness the dalai Lama
You are invited to a morning of reflection with death in order to be more prepared to live the life you want to live. We will use poetry and writing exercises to enter into conversation with death and receive wisdom to go forward in life in a new way.
We will also talk about some of the practical aspects of dying and how to prepare so that your loved ones are able to make good decisions on your behalf. This will include wills, communicating wishes for funeral and memorials, arranging care for pets, and other important end of life planning.
Rates and Registration
Cost: $50
Register by sending an email to soulwisdomguide@gmail.com
Review full booking terms & conditions.
Cancellation Policy
Workshop fee is non-refundable unless arrangements are made
at least one week prior to the start of the workshop.
Register and you will receive an equipment list and some magic questions to get you started.
First 10 participants are in!
However, those monies may be used for a future program.
“The time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other’s welcome”