On this day Charlene Ray and Rosaleen Durkin will guide you on a journey to explore the gifts of the Cailleach and the feminine wisdom that is returning to the world at this time. We will invoke the healing gifts of Samhain time, explore the sacred waters, poetry, fire wisdom and herbal healing


As the days shorten, and the sun is low in the sky, we enter the dark time of the year when root energy begins. In Celtic tradition, this is the time of the Cailleach, the Crone, she calls us to this time of reflection and regeneration.

Samhain is one of the great fire festivals of ancient wisdom. It is the time when the veils are thin between worlds and we can communicate more easily with other realms.

With the Cailleach as our guide, we will walk the pathway along the edge of winter toward stillness and inner wisdom. She will invite us to examine and release what no longer serves us and make space in our minds and hearts to go deeper in the months ahead.

Join a small group of participants for this immersion into this magical time. 

We will let go of what no longer serves our life, as we journal, sit in silence, reflect and spend time in nature. Poetry, candlelight, guided imagery and song will bless the day as we set intentions for the Winter ahead. 

You will leave with a personal essence of well water and essential oils to support you through the Winter. 

Coffee, tea and snacks will be provided. Please bring your own lunch or lunch may be purchased at the hotel.

Prepare for your trip

After you register you will receive reflection questions that will help you prepare for the workshop. Please bring a water bottle, journal, pens, good walking shoes, warm clothes and rain gear for the time outside.

Bring an object for the altar that represents the Cailleach to you.


RATES and registration

Cost: 100 euro (concession fee 90 euro) includes materials, coffee, tea and snacks. Please register early as space is limited!


  • Course materials

  • Art supplies

  • Coffee, tea and snacks

What’s Not Included

  • Lunch

  • Accommodations


Contact Rosaleen Durkin at 00353876168460 or rosaleendurkin8@gmail.com

Register by Oct. 15th, 2019 to hold your space

Review full booking terms & conditions.


Cancellations must be received by Oct. 15th. After Oct. 15th your fee is nonrefundable.