Walking with Intention.
Thresholds are an important part of my work. We all know that doorways have thresholds, we cross over them all the time. When we do personal growth and transformation work in Nature, we create a threshold, usually with items found in Nature like sticks and leaves, but crossing a threshold can be walking between two trees or stones or walking through a doorway. The symbolism of the threshold is that it marks a transition, going from one space to another, from what I call ordinary time, of our daily lives, to a magical time when we are aware of everything. We state our intention or question in ordinary time, cross the threshold, and then pay attention and listen, because everything that happens on that side of the threshold is part of the answer.
The threshold experience is one of the techniques for listening to the longing that I teach. It is one that you can do right now, wherever you are. A simple way to try this experience is when you need to make a decision. Consider the question or the decision you need to make and create a threshold outside in Nature, or just use the doorway of your home or office. With intention, cross the threshold and spend 10–20 minutes observing and paying attention to what happens as you consider the question you are contemplating. This can be very effective. I invite you to try it!
Charlene Ray Blog Categories: Inspiration, Life Transitions, Nature Therapy, Poetry, Soul Wisdom, Transformation