Integrating Quest Work
Something opened in me...
A participant from one of the quests that I guided said that now, months after the quest, she takes herself out into Nature, and also invites Nature in. She does her morning yoga with the French doors wide open, inviting the fresh air to join her in the asanas. She said, “I look to Nature for opportunities to solve some of my issues. Nature answers questions for me.” She also said that “when I interviewed for a job recently, I was never more at ease, clear or sure about myself. I was comfortable with whatever happened. After the quest, something changed in me.”
I spoke with a beautiful couple who took my quest together. In reviewing their time on the land, they realized that a couple months after the quest, they both made big career changes that required further education and the dedication to move forward. Was this a result of the quest? Sometimes it truly is, other times, perhaps most of the time, it is part of a larger puzzle. When one significant piece is placed in the spot where it fits, the whole picture becomes clearer. Perhaps it paves the way for a larger area of the puzzle to be filled in or completed.
How does the integration happen? Is it magical, like a wand you wave, and then poof life is clear and easy? Is it hidden, requiring some detective skill to find the clues and unravel the mystery? Is it crystal clear, like a mountain stream? Is it subtle and easy to miss? Does it hit you over the head with certainty? The simple answers are: yes, yes, and yes. It is all these things. The magic formula for integration is to say yes to the journey, practice good self-care, continually return to the present moment of awareness, and pay attention to your life.
Charlene Ray Blog Categories: Inspiration, Life Transitions, Nature Therapy, Poetry, Soul Wisdom, Transformation